Friday 11 March 2016

Card 58: Voice of Korea

This very rare Korean Voice of Resurgence is a contribution from Hannu Vallin, one of the gentlemen behind Poromagia.
I have got yet another practically mint card to introduce today. This Voice of Resurgence was originally obtained by Hannu Vallin for his personal collection, but he had lost it on his way home from work. He found it on the parking lot the next morning, but it was far too late to save the card. There is still an astonishing amount of sand adsorbed on the card, which it deposits as fine layers inside any sleeve it is in.

Being run over by cars in bad weather is cruel enough, but that is only the beginning of the Voice's story. Hannu took the ruined piece of cardboard home with him, but he tossed it into a bag on his porch and abandoned it there. The card spent several seasons outdoors at the mercy of the elements, being buried under snow and soaked by melting snow and so on, until much later Hannu found it again, and sent it to the only home it could fit in, Wear 'n' Tear.

I have tried to describe the damage on this card for a while now, but I am still at a loss of words. There is sand, there is grime, there is extreme water damage and it is beautiful and horrifying at the same time.
Wear 'n' Tear

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